Announcement on the postponement of RhodesMRC 2020

Announcement on the postponement of RhodesMRC 2020

Announcements, RhodesMRC News
Dear RhodesMRC Family,   With great sense of responsibility and duty towards the youth that have embraced RhodesMRC all these years and the future generations that will continue to cherish it, we are announcing the postponement of the 11th Rhodes Model Regional Co-operation 2020. Your favorite simulation will now be scheduled for the same period next year, Oct. 13-17, 2021.   After much thought and deliberations with the organizing partners, we are convinced that the COVID19 pandemic and the counter measures taken by the Greek and European Authorities, do not allow us to realize a conference at the standards and specifications we have posed and you, our participants, expect.   The Health and Safety of all those involved, participants, board members, volunteers, organizers, is of the outmost importance. Keeping in…
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RhodesMRC 2018 receives the official support of NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division

Announcements, RhodesMRC News
We are glad to announce that RhodesMRC 2018 receives the support of NATO's Public Diplomacy Division. The Public Diplomacy Division at NATO Headquarters harmonises all public diplomacy activities and coordinates communication activities NATO-wide. The overall aim of NATO’s communications activities is to promote dialogue and understanding, while contributing to the public’s knowledge of security issues and promoting public involvement in a continuous process of debate on security. Stimulating debate on NATO issues contributes to strengthening knowledge of the Alliance’s goals and objectives. One of the goals of NATO's Public Diplomacy Division (PDD) is to foster awareness and understanding of NATO, its values, policies, and activities, and to increase the level of debate on peace, security, and defense related issues. To this end, the Division conducts and supports a wide range…
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Official Call for Applications, RhodesMRC 2018

Announcements, RhodesMRC News
Rhodes Model Regional Co-operation or RhodesMRC, the conference that brought to the international academic community simulations of the Union of the Mediterranean, the Black Sea Economic Co-operation, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the League of Arab States, the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation or the Organization of American States, along with simulations of the EuroAtlantic Partnership Council or the North Atlantic Council of NATO and the Council of Europe, returns, for its 9th edition, aiming to bring in Rhodes more than 700 high school students, university undergraduates, young scientists and professionals, for the most satisfying conference experience. The 9th RhodesMRC 2018 will take place in Rhodes, Greece, October 10-14, 2018, for the university edition – open to both students and graduates -, and November 08-11, 2018, for the high…
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RhodesMRC 2018 under the auspices of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Co-operation

RhodesMRC 2018 under the auspices of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Co-operation

Announcements, RhodesMRC News
We are glad to announce that the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Co-operation has placed under its auspices RhodesMRC 2018 and under the auspices of its PERMIS and its head, the Secretary General, Ambassador Michael B. Christides. In his letter of support, the Secretary General, Ambassador Christides, mentions among others: «BSEC is a full-fledged intergovernmental, regional economic organization that includes 12 Member States from the wider Black Sea region (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, BuIgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russian Federatiory Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine). BSEC has more than 20 Workirig Groups, promoting regional cooperation in the relevant fields, through the exchange of information and best practices, the promotion of joint activities and the elaboration of joint projects.» «The BSEC PERMIS attaches great importance in supporting young people's efforts to become…
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Call for Applications: Rhodes Model Regional Co-operation 2017, International Simulation Conference – October 11-15, 2017, Rhodes, Greece

Call for Applications: Rhodes Model Regional Co-operation 2017, International Simulation Conference – October 11-15, 2017, Rhodes, Greece

Announcements, RhodesMRC News
The awarded and prestigious Rhodes Model Regional Co-operation or RhodesMRC returns this year with two separate editions, offering to the world academic community unique simulations of international regional organizations and the amazing experience of Rhodes, a top destination, with the experience of having served more than 1200 students from 22 countries. The 8th RhodesMRC will take place in Rhodes, Greece, October 11-15, 2017, for the university level – open to students and graduates -, and November 09-12, 2017, for the high school level – open to grades 9-12. Students, young scientists of law, political science or international relations and diplomats or just international relations “fans”, gather together in Rhodes every year to simulate the works of the organs and committees of a regional international organization, gaining valuable experience on negotiations…
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Welcome to our new website

RhodesMRC News
Welcome to the new website of Rhodes Model Regional Co-operation. The brand new will act as a central digital hub to handle all our digital communications and bring you up to date with the latest developements on your favorite academic institution. will be the reference point to all generic information relating to RhodesMRC, its partners, Rhodes while new dedicate pages will be created for each of the conferences, as before, but now targeted to facilitate the best user experience and the participant's proper preparation, without all the "promotional" and "institutional" clutter.
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