
October, 18-22, 2023 | in Rhodes, Greece

Applications are now open!

Apply now till August 31st, 2023!

Join the debate,
in one of the largest
Youth Leadership Events
in the Mediterranean!

Be part of one of the most

simulations in the world!

Assume the role of a diplomat
and deliberate on

Become part of the solution
& let your voice be heard!

University Edition of RhodesMRC 2023,
will be held October, 18-22, 2023 in Rhodes, Greece

with simulations of ten committees, ten regional organizations with mandate in regions all over the world!

Applications are now open!

Apply now till August 31st, 2023!

Join us in Rhodes,
one of the most beautiful islands
in the whole world!

An amazing backdrop for

With multiple side events,
rich nightlife, sightseeing,
& more

Applications are now open!

Early bird period is now open and till July 7th, 2023.

Apply now and receive reduced fees!