Thank you for your interest to apply to the University Edition of RhodesMRC 2022.
Applications for delegates are now open, from May 15, 2022.
Early Bird period: 15/05/2022-15/06/2022 (reduced fees of 75€).
Normal Application Period: 16/06/2022 (fees at 85€).
Apply Now:
STAFF Application:
General Rules
- The application period starts on May 15, 2022 and ends as soon as all available seats are filled, but no later than August 31, 2022, except otherwise decided.
- All adults, age 18-35, with advanced language skills in English are welcome to apply as delegates, staff members or observers.
- A delegate is assigned to a country and represents the country during the sessions.
- A staff member serves as an usher during sessions and is involved in the overall preparation of the conference.
- A member of the press works towards covering the conference preparation and proceedings.
- An observer is an individual that can attend the proceedings, without any right to intervene in the procedure or interact with the board and delegates.
- Applicants younger than 18 or older than 35 may apply as observers or staff members. Their participation as a delegate will be considered, upon availability.
- The fees are set to 85,00€ per person and include: the Participant’s Kit, the Certificate, the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, incl. their receptions, all lunches and coffee breaks offered during sessions.
- Bank and/or currency conversion expenses are charged to the applicant.
- Cancellation Policy: Fees are paid on a fully prepaid NON-Refundable basis.
- Reduced fees apply for applications within specific application periods.
- The members of the Organizing Committee, the Scientific Committee and the Board and the staff members receive a full-fee waiver.
Group Delegations
- A group delegation is an organized group of participants coming from a department, school, college, university or even a city.
- A group delegation has at least 5 members that will participate as delegates to be considered as such.
- A group delegation has to be recognized by the Organizing Committee of RhodesMRC 2022 as such. The Organization Committee of RhodesMRC reserves the right to decline the request for official group delegation to any group.
- To start the process for the creation of an official delegation, contact us at, as soon as possible.
- Each group delegation has an officially recognized liaison with RhodesMRC, aka the Head Delegate(s).
- Group delegations collect their applicants fees and submit them, within specified dates.
- Group delegations may replace members in case of cancellation, till August 31, 2022. After that date no replacements will be accepted.
- After 01/09/2022 and till the end of the application period, all potential members of a group delegation apply only as individuals, if there are available seats.
Individual Applicants
- Only individuals that come from a department, school, college, university or city, with no official delegation to RhodesMRC 2022 can apply as individuals, before 31/08/2022.
- Cancellation Policy: Fees are paid on a fully prepaid NON-Refundable basis.
- After 31/08/2022 or after all seats are filled, no further applications will be accepted.
- After 10/09/2022 all applicants that have not paid their fees will be automatically rejected.
Applicants requiring a visa to travel in Greece
- In case you are from a country the citizens of which are required to have a valid visa in order to enter Greece, the Organizing Committee of RhodesMRC 2022 is able to provide you with an invitation letter, safe the following criteria are met:
– Your application form has been evaluated positively by the Registration Committee
– You will provide any additional documentation or contacts requested by the Registration Committee
– You have been accepted for participation to the conference
– You are the owner of a valid passport
– Your local/nearest Greek authorities are positive with granting you a visa - For more information on how to acquire a visa, please visit:
- Individual applicants that require a visa to travel in Greece, are not eligilble for reduced fees or any discounts.
- RhodesMRC 2022 Registration Committee will accept no applications from applicants requiring Visa, after June 30, 2022.
Apply Now: