Middle East Peace Conference
Following the increased severeness on the developments in the Middle East, a Middle East Peace Conference will be simulated during RhodesMRC 2017. The Crisis in Syria, the Crisis in Yemen, the Israeli-Palestinian talks, the aftermath of the Arab-Spring, the emerging violence of ISIS, the developments in Turkey and the new US Foreign Policy under President Trump, among others, and how these effect the Peacebuilding process in the wider Middle East region will be the single topic of this special committee, composed of international and regional players.
Member States
Country | Name |
Afghanistan | Gkrintelas, Konstantinos |
Algeria | Kioulos, Christos |
China | Brouta, Ourania |
Cyprus | El Kholy, Alaa Al Halima |
Egypt | Kountoura, Maria |
European Union | Oikonomou, Michail |
France | Theoulakis, Savvas |
Germany | Albani, Evangelia |
Iran | Papaiosif, Andrew |
Iraq | Kalaitzis, Thanos |
Israel | Mystridou, Maria |
Jordan | Papadopoulou, Kyriaki |
Lebanon | Geroulia, Ioanna |
Libya | Charalampea, Evgenia |
Morocco | Papadopoulou, Anastasia |
Palestine | Stamatiou, Evaggelos |
Qatar | Konstantinidou, Victoria |
Russia | Menagias, Dionysis |
Saudi Arabia | Gravvani, Maria |
Syria | Kourtelis, Konstantinos |
Syrian Opposition | Botou, Polyxeni |
Tunisia | Ounis, Manel |
Turkey | Zaxarioudakis, Xariton |
United Arab Emirates | Chatzidaki, Eleni |
United Kingdom | Koidis, Orfeas |
USA | Fistas, Konstantinos |
Yemen | Marku, Kristjana |